AmerikaHaus NRW e. V. Membership

AmerikaHaus NRW e. V.

The AmerikaHaus NRW e. V. is a non-profit organization whose activities are dependent on donations and member contributions.

The following membership options are available:

  • Member of the Board of Trustees (5,000 EUR per year)*
  • Corporate member (3,000 EUR per year)
  • Personal member (1,000 EUR per year)

*Members for the Board of Trustees must commit to paying 5.000 Euros annually for at least two years. They are accepted through a board resolution.

Our statutes ("Satzung") can be downloaded here.

The current membership application can be downloaded here.

If you are interested in a membership or would like to support us with a donation, please contact our office:

E-mail: or telephone: 0221 - 169 26 350.

We are happy to discuss possible options with you!