Event Detail

US-Presidential Election 2024: New Realities in a Polarized America

You are cordially invited to a CAIS-Special: 


“US Presidential Election 2024: New Realities in a Polarized America”
With Prof. Dr. Christoph Bieber, Prof. Dr. Klaus Kamps and special guest Juliane Schäuble
18.09.2024 | 16:00-17:30
CAIS | Konrad-Zuse-Straße 2a | 44801 Bochum
& Online

A TV debate gone wrong, an unexpected resignation, a failed assassination attempt, a new female candidate - it's hard to know where to look first when you want to find out about the US presidential election campaign. As part of a "CAIS Special", Christoph Bieber and Klaus Kamps (HdM, Stuttgart) are searching for some preliminary insights. Joining live from overseas will be Juliane Schäuble, US correspondent at Tagesspiegel.

Together they will talk about "New Realities in a Polarized America" and discuss the current situation two months before election day.

Hot „digital“ topics to be discussed are:

  • Deep fakes, voice cloning, avatar candidates: How do techniques of digital manipulation affect the election campaign?
  • Are very large online platforms the new standard mode of communication to the broader public? Is the era of „television politics“ over?
  • 20+ years of „Help America Vote Act“: What is the status of digital voting machines?
  • After the Election: Will US politics take a stand in regulating AI?

Please register via kolleg@cais-research.de and indicate whether you are participating at CAIS or online.


Prof. Dr. Christoph Bieber is a research professor at CAIS with the research program Digital Democratic Innovations and focuses on the following research areas: Digital transformation and democracy, elections and election campaigns, ethics and responsibility in politics and public communication. In 2022 he was a fellow at the Thomas Mann House in Pacific Palisades. For some background reading on the current US election, visit Christoph's blog "Internet und Politik" (in German). 

Prof. Dr. Klaus Kamps is Professor of Communication Studies at Stuttgart Media University since 2014. He studied political science, media studies and modern history in Düsseldorf, DeKalb (USA) and Christchurch (New Zealand). His main areas of work include communication theory, political communication, media policy and media systems. Recent publications: Das Mediensystem der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (UTB, 2021) and Commander-in-Tweet: Donald Trump und die deformierte Präsidentschaft (Springer, 2020).

Juliane Schäuble is since reporting from Washington DC for the Berlin-based daily newspaper Tagesspiegel. She is responsible for the newsletter „Washington Weekly“ which is published every thursday, covering all things related to US politics with a special focus on the presidential election. Together with Annett Meiritz she published the Book „Guns ´n Rosé - Konservative Frauen erobern die USA“ (Ch. Links, 2022).
