Trump-Proofing Transatlantic Security: Challenges for Germany, NATO and the EU
Dear Members and Friends of the AmerikaHaus NRW,
Together with the North American Studies Program at the University of Bonn, the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, and the Deutsch-Kanadische Gesellschaft e.V. we cordially invite you to a lecture on:
Trump-Proofing Transatlantic Security: Challenges for Germany, NATO and the EU
Prof. Dr. Gerlinde Groitl, University of Freiburg
Thursday, June 6, 2024 | 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. | University of Bonn | Rabinstr. 8 |Seminarroom 8
Donald J. Trump’s presidency (2017-21) was a rough ride for Europeans: Trump called NATO obsolete, repeat-edly scolded allies, questioned US security guarantees, and cozied up to leaders in Moscow and Beijing. A few months ago, he even suggested to give Russia a free pass to attack financially “delinquent” NATO mem-bers. Unsurprisingly, the scenario of Donald Trump`s potential return to the White House sends shockwaves through Europe at a time of height-ened geopolitical and geoeconomic conflict. The lecture analyzes the severe security challenges Germany, NATO, and the EU currently face and discusses options to weather the storm.
Prof. Dr. Gerlinde Groitl currently serves as Interim Chair of Multi-Level Governance at the University of Freiburg. Her research focuses on questions of international security, grand strategy, transatlantic relations, and global great power competition, and her 2023 book publication interrogates Russian and Chinese revisionism against the US-led liberal international order.
This event is part of the Lecture Series "Current Issues in North American and Cultural Studies" of the North American Studies Program.