Event Detail

The Presidential Elections: Views from the States of the U.S. Federal Democracy

Dear Members and Friends of the AmerikaHaus NRW,

Together with the North American Studies Program at the University of Bonn, the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, and the Deutsch-Kanadische Gesellschaft e.V. we cordially invite you to a lecture on: 


The Presidential Elections: Views from the States of the U.S. Federal Democracy
Prof. Dr. Jared Sonnicksen, RWTH Aachen
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 | 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. | Rabinstr. 8 | Seminarroom 8 | 53111 Bonn

The U.S. Constitution and political system separate powers between branches and levels of government. Despite such division and decentralization of powers, national political-party competition, also over the presidency, has intensified within the states themselves. Yet, these trends have not produced more centralization, but make individual states more nationally relevant than ever, not least given their predominant authority over elections, including federal ones. Against this backdrop, Dr. Sonnicksen’s lecture focuses on the 2024 election in the larger context of how U.S. institutions of federalism and democracy interact, and interrogates the role of the states in the electoral process.
Prof. Dr. Jared Sonnicksen covers the area of political systems at the Institute of Political Science, RWTH Aachen University. His academic work focuses on comparative government in Europe and North America, as well as comparative federalism and multi-level governance. His particular interest is in challenges of democracy under complex political conditions.
This event is part of the Lecture Series "Current Issues in North American and Cultural Studies" of the North American Studies Program. 
