Europe Alone at Home: Is Security Possible Without the United States?
Dear Members and Friends of the AmerikaHaus NRW,
Together with the North American Studies Program at the University of Bonn, the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, and the Deutsch-Kanadische Gesellschaft e.V. we cordially invite you to a lecture on:
Europe Alone at Home: Is Security Possible Without the United States?
Dr. Marcus Pindur, Deutschlandfunk
Tuesday, May 28, 2024 | 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. | Rabinstr. 8 | Seminarroom 8 | 53111 Bonn
Founded in 1949 to counter the Soviet threat, NATO now faces a renewed threat from Russia. For more than three decades Europe seemed to be at ease, enjoying the “peace dividend.” Only too late, Dr. Marcus Pindur argues, a lot of Europeans realized they were not able to defend them-selves. The US fields fifty percent of NATO´s military power, more than all other alliance members combined. Likewise, the nuclear umbrella de-terring atomic attacks on the European allies is provided largely by the US. Dr. Pindur lays out how – in a newly endangered, unstable world with America´s support no longer ironclad –Europeans have to adapt.
After serving as the Washington D.C. correspondent in the US and Canada for Deutschlandradio, Dr. Marcus Pindur has, since 2018, been the Deutschlandfunk national security correspondent. He also worked as legislative assistant at the U.S. House of Representatives and as corres-pondent in Brussels before, in 2004, receiving his PhD in American history from the Free University of Berlin.
This event is part of the Lecture Series "Current Issues in North American and Cultural Studies" of the North American Studies Program.