Event Detail

EducationUSA@AmerikaHaus NRW - U.S. University Admission Process

AmerikaHaus NRW, in cooperation with Drake University, would like to invite you to a joint session on the “US University Admission Process”.

The workshop will take place online on September 14th at 5 pm

Our guest speaker is Patrick Bourgeacq Pinzón, MBA/JD, Assistant Director of International Admission at Drake University. In his talk, he will share his knowledge on the challenging admission process to a US university, give valuable tips, discuss application strategies, and help you make your journey the best it can be.

Come join us with your questions – and feel free to forward this invitation to friends and contacts who want to study in the US!

Join us via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84020739503?pwd=SExJT1VNSDdvL2c3MDB2cFZOdDBkdz09
