EducationUSA für Ukrainians

News for Ukrainians in Germany

Here Ukrainians will find the opportunity to receive information regarding different study opportunities in the U.S.
EducationUSA​ Ukraine Contact Information:
Твоє офіційне джерело інформації про вищу освіту в США/Your official source of information about higher education in the USA




Instagram: @educationusa.ukraine

Telegram: EducationUSA.Ukraine


For local assistance within Germany,  contact Tamar Karchava, EducationUSA adviser at AmerikaHaus NRW:



AmerikaHaus NRW also offers zoom advising hours for Ukrainians every Monday from 2pm till 4pm



GRE and TOEFL Test offers for Ukrainians
  • 20 GRE vouchers available for Ukrainian prospective students; the vouchers provide a 50% discount on the GRE General Test. The full price of the test is 215 USD, so students will only pay half of it
  • 40 USD discount on each TOEFL Test

In case of interest, please contact Tamar Karchava:
We will do our best to help!